Saturday 4 July 2009



Having a talk with a friend of mine the conversation got round to, as it usually does, food.

Wholeheartedly pissed off that our generation is considered the most obese with the least varied diet in history got us both quite agitated.

Ours is the most integrated, multicultural, and diverse generation of all time. And not only this, but we are also the most nutritionally aware - who doesnt know what a Carb is or that its good to get fibre and all that jazz?

On top of this we are fortunate to live in London, where you can get Good old English grub or turn a corner and get Vietnmese, Brazillian, Morrocan, Greek, Turkish, Italian, American, Jamaican, Chinese............... it goes on.

So we would like to know - If you are 25 and under, agree with our view, live in London and bloody well love your food would you like to take part in this project?

We can't say too much about it now, but to start we would like you to answer a few questions below and email me at

So here goes....

1. Are you 25 or under?
2. Live or spend alot of time in London?
3. If you had to pick 1 place to eat in London to tell a visitor about what would it be?
4. Can you pick one dish from that place, if so which one?
5. Can you write a short (a few paragraphs max) review of the restaraunt in your own words?
6. what do you do for a living/are you a student/unemployed whatever??
7. are there any places you go to eat which you feel are "undiscovered" in London?
8. Can you send us a picture of yourself?

anyway, that would be a great starting point for anyone who would like to get involved in this project.... if you are chosen to take part we will let you know a bit more but for now we have to be a bit cagey.... Email me @


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